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RESTful Web Services with Scala ebook download

RESTful Web Services with Scala by Jos Dirksen

RESTful Web Services with Scala

Download RESTful Web Services with Scala

RESTful Web Services with Scala Jos Dirksen ebook
Page: 168
ISBN: 9781785289408
Format: pdf
Publisher: Packt Publishing, Limited

Minimum Required Skills: Scala, restful web services, Akka, Play, MySQL, Java Exciting opportunity in Mountain View. Coding Assistance for REST DevelopmentScala. I'd like to use Spec2 and Scala to test a REST service that was build using Java. Chaos - A lightweight framework for writing REST services in Scala. SBT (Simple Build Tool) - Build tool for Scala and Java projects. Web services that embrace the machinery and language of HTTP). Lift makes providing REST-style web services very simple. Back-end architecture: RESTful web service. I intend to implement a pure Akka powered REST based Web API. A list of Scala web frameworks designed specifically for the development of RESTful APIs (i.e. A simple (REST) web service client in Scala. End-to-End Reactive Streaming RESTful service (a.k.a. Scala-github-projects - :mag_right: Collect and classify scala projects on Github. Apr 2, 2014 - 4 min - Uploaded by Kip SigmanQuickly build a RESTful web service in Play Framework with Scala using Typesafe Activator. An open-source toolkit for REST/HTTP and low-level network IO on top of spray comes with a small, embedded and super-fast HTTP server (called you a powerful and very flexible way of describing your REST API or web site behavior. Best Practices for securing a REST API / web service · 2421. A demonstration/example of a Scala Play Framework web app, basically a REST web service that returns a JSON string.